Yuchen Wen


Ph.D. Student
Institute of Computing Technology
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Email: yuchenwen1 at gmail.com

About Me

I am a first-year Ph.D. student in Computer Science at Institute of Computing Technology (ICT), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) supervised by Prof. Wei Chen. Before that, I received my B.E. degree in Software Engineering from Nankai University (NKU) in June 2023.

Research Interests: My primary research interests include natural language processing, large language models(LLMs), and machine learning. Specifically, My current research focuses:
  • LLM Evaluation
  • LLM Psychology
  • LLM Recognition

I am happy to collaborate and/or answer questions about my research. If you are interested in research collaboration or have any inquiries about my experience, please send me an email.



semantic scholar | (* indicates equal contribution)
  • Evaluating Implicit Bias in Large Language Models by Attacking From a Psychometric Perspective
    Yuchen Wen, Keping Bi, Wei Chen, Jiafeng Guo, Xueqi Cheng.
    arXiv, 2024
    [arXiv] [Abstract] [Bib] [Code]

Education & Research Experience


Selected Honors & Awards

  • National Scholarship(top 2%) - 2022.12

  • Tianjin Government Scholarship(top 0.5%) - 2021.12

  • Outstanding Undergraduate Thesis of NKU(top 3%) - 2023.06

  • Outstanding Graduate(top 3%) - 2023.06

Academic Service

Social Service

  • President of the students' union of CS, NKU - 2021.09~2022.09